Rabu, 16 Maret 2016

Kesalahan yang Lazim dilakukan Pemula dalam Berbahsa Inggris (part 1)

Description: Hasil gambar untuk meme belajar bahasa inggris yang salah

Belajar  bahasa Inggris gampang-gampang susah ya, ya maklumlah kita belajar bahasa ke dua dengan budaya yang berbeda juga kan,btw tapi banyak anak yang susah disadarkan mereka berkata “yang penting kan katany bener sesuai kamus.” Eh jangan salah tetap kita harus belajar bagaimana kesalahan tersebut dan membetulkannya.

Meski demikian  saya  tetap salut sama beberapa murid baru saya ketika mereka baru masuk peralihan dari smp ke smk tapi sudah berani pede berbicara meskipun tentunya dengan dialek English-javanese yang menggelitik dengan grammar yang amburadul, he..he..it’s ok

Anyway ini lho saya mau tunjukkan beberapa kesalahan tidak lazim yang sering  dilakukan oleh pemula.

1.    Hello, friends, I am want to introduce my self, my name is Sita.
Nah ini nih keslahan awal yang sering sya jumpai ketika bertemu murid baru di tahun ajran baru.
 Tahu mana kesalahannya? yups…yaitu pada kalimat , I am want to introduce my self.
Semua yang ingin mereka bicarakan selalu memakai I am.  For you to know, pastinya tidak selalu kita memakai I am ketika ingin bercerita tentang diri kita. Berikut penjelasannya:

 I + am ( subjeck +  to be) hanya dipakai ketika:
1.        diikuiti adjective ( kata sifat),
Ex. I am smart, I am beautiful, I am  fine.
2.         noun ( kata benda),
Ex. I am a student, I am a doctor ( dalam bahasa inggris sebuah profesi dianggap sebagai noun/kata benda)
3.        I am + Ving  ( to be + V ing  untuk menyatakan kegiatan sedang berlangsung, jadi ketika kita berbicara memang begitu adanya)
Ex. I am writing blog (Saya sedang menulis blog)
4.        I am + V3 ( kalau ini kalimat passive buat mudahya to  be + V3 artinya di)
Ex. I am taught English by Ms. Ita ( saya diajar bahsa Inggris oleh bu Ita)

So friends sudah tau ya  I am tidak boleh diikuti V1,
 kalimat   Hello, friends, I am want to introduce my self, my name is Sita, itu kurang tepat seharusnya  Hello, friends, I want to introduce my self, my name is Sita,,
I am go to school at 6.30 a.m seharusnya  I go to school at 6.30 a.m

2. Penggunaan “To Be” yang berlebihan untuk satu subjek

Yang dimaksud dengan penggunaan “to be” yang berlebihan adalah menggunakan dua “to be” untuk satu subjek dimana “to be” yang digunakan adalah “to be” dari subjek yang lain.
Contoh :
I am is a student of SMK Texmaco Pemalang.
Langsung terdeteksi ada 2 to be yaitu am dan is.
For you to know setiap subjek hanya punya 1 to be so hanya boleh memakai 1 to be dalam kalimat
I am is  a student----------------------------> I am a Student ( Benar )
You are is beautiful ----------------------------> You are beautiful ( Benar )

Contoh kalimat di atas pasti sering kita lihat. Apalagi dengan menjamurnya internet. Silahkan baca komentar-komentar bahasa Inggris dimana saja, Facebook, Twitter, atau kolom komentar blog belajar bahasa inggris lainnya. Kemungkinan besar kita bisa menemukan pemula yang membuat kalimat tidak lazim seperti itu.

3.     Tidak mengetahui penggunaan “to be “

You is student
You is rich
emang  to be “is” sangat popular di hati pemula, saking dekatnya semuanya harus pakai “is”. Actually to be  adalah materi yang paling dasar yang harus dipahami penggunaannya. Kebanyakan pemula biasanya salah memilih pasangan “to be” dan subjek yang benar.
Here we go inilah subject dan  to be pasangannya.
I am     (waktu sekarang)                                 I was       ( waktu lampau)
She is   (waktu sekarang)                                 She was   (waktu lampau)
He is                                                                He is
You are                                                                        You were
We are                                                             We were
They are                                                          They were

4  Membuat sebuah kalimat menanyakan “Apakah” selalu menggunakan “what”

Contoh banyak pemula ketika  disuruh mentraslate “ apa yang kamu makan buat sarapan” mereka akan menjawab” what  you eat for breakfast?,  dan ketika disuruh mentraslate “ apakah kamu sarapan?, mereka akan menjawab” what  you eat for breakfast?,  juga.

Dalam bahasa Inggris  kita kenal YES/NO QUESTION dan juga WH-QUESTION.
So  sebelum membuat pertanyaan kita pikirkan dulu kalimat tanya yang akan kita buat butuh jawaban YES/NO atau sebuah informasi. Ketika kalimat tanya membutuhkan jawaban ya atau tidak kita menggunakan pola YES/NO QUESTION. Pola  kalimat bergantung content yang ditanyakan dan juga waktu.
..Jika kalimat tidak memiliki helping verb dan hanya berupa main verb be, maka: 
be (am/is/are/was/were) +S (+ complement) ?
Jika kalimat tidak memiliki helping verb dan bukan main verb be, tambahkan helping verb do di depan kalimat:
do/does/did + S + main verb (bare infinitive)?
Do disini merupakan dummy auxiliary (tidak menambah makna kalimat) namun harus disesuaikan sesuai dengan subject-verb agreement-nya. Do untuk subject jamak (kecuali I dan you yang tetap menggunakan do) pada simple present tense, does untuk subject tunggal pada pada simple present tense, sedangkan did untuk subject tunggal maupun jamak pada simple past tense.
Contoh Yes-No Question (berdasarkan contoh declarative sentence di atas):
1          Should Caca see the dentist as soon as possible? should= helping verb
2          Is Zula kindhearted young man? is= main verb be
3          Does your father work hard? does= dummy auxiliary
Negative Yes-No Question
Seperti affirmative yes-no question, negative yes-no question juga dimulai dengan be atau auxiliary (do, have, will, can, should). Bedanya hanya perlu ditambahkan not setelahnya.
Contoh Negative Yes-No Question:
1                    Can’t he drive a car?(Dia tidak bisa menyetir mobil?)
2                    Didn’t you see my sport shoes?(Kamu tidak melihat sepatu olahraga saya?)
3                    Isn’t the earth flat?(Bumi tidak datar?)..


5.       Membuat kalimat bahasa Inggris seperti menyusun kalimat bahasa Indonesia

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:

A: don’t leave me. I can’t live without you
B : you have to forget me slow-slow. You  not will  why-why without me.

OMG critanya kretif bgt buat bahasa baru, parah bgt ?wah….

4.    Lupa menambahkan akhiran “s/es” pada kata kerja yang subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal pada kalimat present tense
He go to school everyday-------------------> he goes to school everyday ( Benar )
She eat chocolate every morning------------> she eats chocolate every morning ( Benar )

5.    Menggunakan dua modal ( kata kerja bantu ) secara berurutan dalam satu kalimat

We must can finish the work
We will can make this

Seperti kita ketahui, tidak boleh ada dua modal dalam satu kalimat sehingga untuk membuat kalimat di atas menjadi kalimat yang benar, maka modal yang kedua harus diganti dengan SEOM-nya. SEOM adalah similar expression of modal. Sehingga kalimat di atas seharusnya menjadi:

We must be able to finish the work
We will be able to make this

Ada begitu banyak kesalahan dalam membuat kalimat bahasa Inggris yang bisa saja kita buat tanpa kita sadari. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini hanya sekedar mengingatkan kepada kita semua untuk memahami penggunaan tata bahasa Inggris yang baik dan benar.

Semoga tulisan ini bisa menambah pengetahuan kita semua. 

Rabu, 02 Maret 2016


Question 21 to 23 refer to the following text.

Dorian Mayhew Rothschild
60 Arthur St.
San Rafael CA 94901

Robert G. Olsen
Rt. Electronics Inc.
440 Montgomery St.
San Francisco. CA 94103

Dear Mr. Olsen,

I am writing to you in order to express my gratitude for your decision to buy 200,000 shares of Eazy Buy Inc. preferred stock of capital investment of $2,150,000.

Please call me at business phone number to discuss shareholder options including incentive stock  options and board membership privileges. On behalf of Easy Buy Computer Outlet, I welcome you to our family and look forward to working with you.

Please contact me at the above address if you have anu questions or need additional information. I can be contacted by phone at (415) 373-1334 or (415) 465-1090. An e-mail can be sent to dmrothschild@rlco.com


21. What is the purpose of the letter?
            A. To show thanks
            B. To share the folders
            C. To invest some money
            D. To ask phone numbers

22. What should Mr.Olsen do if he wants to make inquiries into capital investments?
            A. Send a letter
            B. Visit the office
            C. Make a phone call
            D. Write a good report

23. “please contact me at the above address if you have any questions..”
      The synonym of the underline word is …
A.    Meet
B.     Call
C.     Visit
D.    Inform

Qustions 24 to 26 refer to the folowing text

            ANEOLIA: The Expert in gas  analysis
            Aneolia is a French company specializing in instrumentation for gas meansurement, and packaging control. Our key customers are food and Medical Companies, Heavy Industries, and Conversation of Works of Art.
            Our technical team takes care of thee calibration of all brand of gas analysers. We also repair all generation of abiss instruments.
            We guaranty a fast and maximum service reactivity. Permanent telephone assistance,maintance within 88hours after reception of devices at workshop.

24. What is the text about?
            A. French Fries.
            B. F & B Restaurant.
            C. Gas Analysis Company
            D. Tlephone Assistance

25. The technical team repairs …...
            A. the permanent telephones
            B. the calibration of gas analysers
C. the generation of abiss instrument
D. the devices of the workshops

26. “….after reception of devices at workshop.”(paragraph 3)
     The underlined word is closest in meaning to …
A.    Tools
B.     Tricks
C.     Methods
D.    Weapons

Questions 27 to 29 refer to the following text
Higher Education (HE) lecturers teach academic and vocational subject to undergraduate and postgraduate student aged 18 upwards. They work in universities and in some colleges of further education

Teching methods include lectures, seminars, tutorials, practical laboratory demonstrations, field work and e-learning. Multimedia technologies are being increasingly used.

HE lecturers also pursue their own research to contribute to the wider research activities of their department/institution. Many aims to have their research published
, either in the form of a book or scholarly article,and this can help raise the profile of their employing HE institution.

Administrative tasks take up a significant part of the working day. Many lecturers also take on a pastoral role with their students. As HE lecturers progress along their career paths, they may be expected to undertake a managerial role of the relevant departement

27. What is the text about?
            A. The pastoral role and relation.
            B. Different teaching techniques.
            C. Higher Education technologies
            D. Activities of Higher Education lecturers

28. according to the text, what can we share as the teaching methods for Heigher Education?
            A. Seminars and drawing
            B. Tutorials and field trip
            C. E-learning and playing games.
            D. Laboratory demonstration and lecturers

29. “…they many be expexted to undertake a managerial role..”(paragraph 4)
      The underlines word is closest in meaning to ..
A.    Perform
B.     Provide
C.     Prepare
D.    Protect

Questions 30 to 32 refer to the following text.

Instructions :
  1. Create a cover letter saying who the document is for and from as well as their tended fax number and your phone number. Place the cover letter on top of your documents and insert it into the fax machine
  2. Enter the fax number
  3. Hit the send key once. Now you have properly entered all of the numbers into the machine.
  4. Wit for your documents to pass throught the machine and collect them when finished.
  5. Look for a confirmation page to print.

30. What does the text tell us about?
            A. How to use a fax machine.
            B. How to crete a cover letter
            C. How to use a printer machine.
            D. How to use a photocopy machine.

31. What is the next step after inserting the document into the fax machine?
            A. Place the cover letter on the top.
            B. Wait for the documents
            C. Enter the fax number.
            D. Hit the send key

32. “wait for your documents to pass through the machine and collect them when finished.”
      Which of the following is the synonym of the underlined word?
A.    Design.
B.     Industry.
C.     Engine.
D.    Tool.

Questions 33 to 42, choose the appropriate option to complete the dialogue

33. Maria         :I’m trying my new dress. How do I look like?
      Jenny         : … You look pretty wearing it.
A.    I doubt that.
B.     It suits you
C.     It’s too small
D.    No idea at all

34. Waiter       : Welcome to Nusantara. …?
      Anna         : Yes, orange squash with little sugar, please.
A.    Would you just pay it in cash
B.     Do you need something to eat
C.     How would you like your steak
D.    Would you like something to drink

35. Anton        : What’s the best way to speak English?
      Ferry          : ...It’s faster and more applicable than just taking regular English course.
A.    Why don’t you practice a lot?
B.     Let’s try to do a lot of exercises
C.     You’d be better go to the origin countries of the language
D.    How about learning new vocabulary from dictionary?

36. Wayan       : What exactly do you do at the company?
      Rudy         : I’m a marketing manager. …
A.    I coordinate my staff in promoting
B.     I create products to the customers.
C.     I handle every incoming call
D.    I interview the customer.

37. Rio                        : This is a nice city, but I can’t stand its cold.
      Budi          : I know. The snow is pretty heavy. … I still love Indonesia, then.
A.    I prefer cold to hot season
B.     I prefer warm climate to winter
C.     I like rainy season better than dry season
D.    I’d rather stay during winter than summer

38. Dian          ; I need to rearrange these books. …?
      Hendro      : Of course not. Where would you like to put them?
A.    What do you want to do
B.     Do you want to buy some
C.     Do you mind helping me
D.    Could you help me

39. Mother      :Where shall we go this holiday?
      Daughter   : I’d like to go to New York, mom. But it’s really expensive.
      Mother      : If we go there, … How about going to Bali?
A.    We wold be able to visit many places..
B.     We can’t stay there more tha 3 days.
C.     We won’t spend a lot of money
D.    We could stay at a five star hotel

40. Teacher      : What is your plan for this coming year?
      Student     : …, sir.
      Teacher      : Then,you must work hard and prepare yourself right away.
A.    I’m thinking about getting job
B.     I’m confused what I’ll do
C.     I’ll visit my grandmother
D.     I’ll prepare it next year

41. Mr. White : Why did you come late for the meetig yesterday?
      Peter          : … because I left some tasks there
A.    I had a flat tire
B.     I had to go back home
C.     I’ll go to the police station

41. Winda       : What’s your daughter doing now Frank?
       Frank        : … She is studying literature.
A.    She just finished working
B.     She was at my company
C.     She is at the university
D.    She will be back home

Questions 43 to 45, complete the following text with the words provided


Thank you for (43) … Hello Lucky! Our wonderful invitations are not complete (44) … the perfect wedding invitation. Browse our wedding invitation wording samples for tasteful examples ofd how ro word your wedding invitations,save the dates and more.

Once you have decided on the perfect wording for your wedding shop, Hello Lucky’s unique is the best selection of your wedding invitations. Order your invitations online with personalized service of our (45) … team work. We look forward to helping you!

            A. standing
            B. leaving
            C. visiting
            D. going

            A. about
            B. beside
            C. without
            D. beneath

            A. adventurous
            B. ambiguous
            C. applicable
            D. attentive

Questions 46 and 47, complete the following text with the words provided

The school drama is going to organize “Mga-Mega” drama cast audition. For those who are (46) … to join the education, please come to our office on Monday, August 4th , at 2 p.m. to register.
The requirements are as follows :
Ø  Your latest photograph of postcard size (2)
Ø  The registration form (get it at the office)
The audition will be held on Sunday, August 10th  at 9 a.m. The list of selected candidates will be announced in a week. We (47) … your paricipation. Thank you.

The Committee
P.s.: No charge for the registration form

            A. registered
            B. interested
            C. courteous
            D. expectant

            A. doubt
            B. inform
            C. appreciate
            D. apologize

Questions 48 to 50, complete the following text with the words provided.
We are located in Makassar city, near Losai Beach.
We have 5 convention rooms fully (48) … with the Internet service plus Hotspot/WiFi. We have 150 suiteble rooms with variety of accomodation : superior, deluxe, junior suite and executve suite fully equipped as for 5 star international hotel standard.
For your business and relaxation, Sleppy Hotel offers:
Seven restaurant, 24 hour room service, swimming pool, spa and aroma therapy, shuttle service to airport, banking, money hanger, and shopping arcades.
We have (49) … staff who will do their best (50) … fulfil your wants and need. Come to our hotel.

            A. ordered
            B. equipped
            C. confirmed
            D. complained

            A. uneducated
            B. experienced
            C. passive
            D. indifferent

            A. to
            B. for
            C. into

            D. from